Come rain or shine…

Come rain or shine…

Dr. Amanda Marrone put out a call for people to meet and pray for West Lincoln Memorial Hospital.  Nothing stopped our group to share a few moments in prayer together!    Don’t forget to share with your friends and come out and support WLMH!

This is Dr. Marrones invitation:

Hi All,
I was inspired this morning at church…more like, I was “called to action”, actually. As many of you you know, I had started out a number of months ago inviting people to “corporate prayer meetings”….regular times of group prayer to “fight at a different level” against all the changes that were upon us at the hospital. Even then, not fully knowing what was coming down the pipeline, those of us who gathered in prayer knew that we needed to an pray for those making decisions for us.

Well, it’s high time I start them up again.

This is an invitation to any of you who feel that inner desire to pray for our current situation. I believe prayer has power, and that CORPORATE PRAYER holds even more strength. This idea, may not ring true for all of you, I understand and respect that…like I said…this is just an invitation, not meant to bother or offend anyone.

Critical decisions are being made for our hospital…some big ones supposedly being announced this week…and I feel that we need to continue to pray for those who are making those decisions for our hospital and our community. I was speaking to one of my colleagues recently who felt so disheartened that even though WE know that our hospital is needed in this area, the decision to keep it here was “out of our hands”. Well guess what?…I believe God has His hand on our community and that if we collectively place OUR need in HIS hands, GREAT THINGS can happen…maybe even the miracle we are looking for!

So…As I have not booked any room inside the building, I will be out front of West Lincoln, at 8 am, rain, shine, sleet or snow…. to pray for OUR hospital, OUR community, OUR future. I will be there every day this week at 8 am, and for anyone who wishes to join me, please do.

PS. this is NOT about religion. It’s about FAITH. I invite ALL to attend, from ANY religious background…ANYONE who believes there is a higher power we can call on for help!!! ALL ARE WELCOME!

PSS. Please extend this invitation to anyone that may be interested.

“I can do ALL things through Christ who gives me strength” – Phil 4:13

Amanda :


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