Curious about the work being done on our WLMH parking lot?
Are we/HHS spending $$ on repaving only to have it be torn up in a rebuild?
Here’s an update from Rob MacIsaac:
“The new West Lincoln Memorial Hospital (WLMH) will not displace the adjacent WLMH parking lot that is currently undergoing resurfacing. The new facility will reside largely behind the current building footprint. The parking lot will continue to be used for public parking in support of the new hospital, once it is open.
It is worth highlighting that all Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) parking infrastructure, including the WLMH parking lot, is managed by our HHS Volunteer Association (VA). They fund all necessary repairs and maintenance. The resurfacing is 100% funded by the HHS VA.
The WLMH parking lot is in disrepair, with numerous large cracks and pot holes that are getting worse annually. We are fortunate to have the HHS VA’s support to repair it and keep it safe for everyone moving forward.”