While many things are certainly “not normal”…
While many things are certainly ‘not normal’ at the moment, we are moving forward and it’s so great to...
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A Great Big THANK YOU!
A great big THANK YOU to Tom Rankin, and the Rankin Run group, who presented a $45,000 donation to...
Great commitment news from the Towns of Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln
May 27, 2020 – The Councils of Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln have voted unanimously to commit to the...
Latest news from HHS
In case you missed it, here’s the latest newsletter from HHS on WLMH progress. What’s Up @ WLMH: May...
Ongoing Work at WLMH – Notes from the CAG Co-Chair, Cindy Toth
The Community Action Group formed last fall to face the challenge to WLMH’s bright future. Our hospital continues to...
HHS announcement for expectant families
Please note the following update from HHS for expectant families. Thanks to Lincoln Community Midwives for grabbing these screenshots...
HHS Announces 1 Year of Change to WLMH Obstetrics
Hamilton Health Sciences announced on Friday, September 27th that WLMH’s obstetrics would not be available for natural births until...
Give new life to your sign!
Winter has been rough on our signs! Take a minute to tidy and straighten yours up and remove any...
A great morning of sharing information!
A great morning to share information, network with local businesses and get the latest news from #saveWLMH. Several SaveWLMH...
Sharing Information
On March 1st we shared a lovely, sunny and a good time with the West Lincoln Age Friendly Advisory...
Looking for a Poster?
Looking for a #savewlmh poster? Check out page 24 of Dec 20th edition of @NewsNowNiagara for a full page!...
This is Community!
We are excited to announce that Dr. Anne Aube presented a cheque from the Medical Staff Association of West...
Let’s Keep the Momentum!
November 30, 2018 Wednesday’s announcement by the Province of Ontario was great news in our efforts to Save &...
Come rain or shine…
Dr. Amanda Marrone put out a call for people to meet and pray for West Lincoln Memorial Hospital. Nothing...